Ed Devereaux Movies

List of the best Ed Devereaux movies: Money Movers(1979), They're a Weird Mob(1966), The Password Is Courage(1962), The Wrong Arm of the Law(1963), Carry on Jack(1964), Bless This House(1973) ... ...

Money Movers poster

Money Movers

Several master thieves join forces to crack open and rob the most carefully guarded and impenetrable safe in Australia.

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They're a Weird Mob poster

They're a Weird Mob

Learning to speak Australian is one of the many trials faced by an Italian journalist who emigrates Down Under.

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The Password Is Courage poster trailer Watch Trailer

The Password Is Courage

British N.C.O. Sergeant Major Charles Coward (Sir Dirk Bogarde) escapes from the Stalag VIII-B P.O.W. camp, and is mistakenly awarded with the Iron Cross by the Germans.

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The Wrong Arm of the Law poster trailer Watch Trailer

The Wrong Arm of the Law

In London, when Australian gangsters disguised as "Bobbies" rob British criminals, the panicked British mobsters seek an alliance with Scotland Yard in order to eliminate the foreign competition and return things to "normal".

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Carry on Jack poster

Carry on Jack

A midshipman (Bernard Cribbins), a nitwit (Charles Hawtrey) and a serving wench (Juliet Mills) take over the HMS Venus and fight the Spanish Armada.

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Bless This House poster

Bless This House

1970s English suburbia: middle-aged homeowner Sid Abbot just wants to get on with building his illegal whisky still, but is frustrated by his workshy son, and otherworldly daughter. Then ... See full summary »

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