Kathleen Cody Movies

List of the best Kathleen Cody movies: Girls on the Road(1972), Charley and the Angel(1973), Superdad(1974), The Last Day(1975) ... ...

Girls on the Road poster

Girls on the Road

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Charley and the Angel poster

Charley and the Angel

Charley is a workaholic family man that finds out from an angel that his "number's up" and he will be dying soon so he tries to change his ways and be a better husband and father with the time he has left.

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Superdad poster


A concerned father (Bob Crane) tries to hang out with his teenage daughter and her boyfriend (Kurt Russell).

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The Last Day poster

The Last Day

During World War I, a German U-boat sinks a British ship and takes the survivors on board. After it takes a wrong turn, the submarine takes them to the unknown land of Caprona, where they find dinosaurs and neanderthals.

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