Rafael Cebrián Movies

List of the best Rafael Cebrián movies: Sonora(2018), Realive(2016), Shot(2017) ... ...

star 6.3/10
Sonora poster


1931 in Mexico, under pressure from Sonora government, a group of people are forced to take a trip to Mexicali, where they will have to face the racism and other kind of dangers through the dangerous desert.

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star 5.9/10
Realive poster


Marc will die of cancer and chooses cryogenic freeze and hopes to be thawed, when there's a solution to his condition. He's the first human brought back 68 years later. Can he adapt mentally and physically?

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Shot poster


Mark Newman is talking to his wife when a stray bullet from a teenager's gun suddenly strikes him in the chest. As Newman fights for his life in the hospital, the young perpetrator must decide whether to take responsibility for his actions.

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