Parlor Movies, Movies about Parlor

Here we've displayed a list of the best Parlor films : The Patsy(1928), The Favourite(2018), The Picture of Dorian Gray(1945), Cousin Bette(1998), Weekend for Three(1941), Games(1967) ... ...

star 7.5/10
The Patsy poster

The Patsy

An awkward teenager hopelessly in love with her elder sister's boyfriend tries to make him notice her.

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The Favourite poster trailer Watch Trailer

The Favourite

In early 18th century England, a frail Queen Anne occupies the throne and her close friend, Lady Sarah, governs the country in her stead. When a new servant, Abigail, arrives, her charm endears her to Sarah.

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The Picture of Dorian Gray poster

The Picture of Dorian Gray

A corrupt young man somehow keeps his youthful beauty, but a special painting gradually reveals his inner ugliness to all.

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Cousin Bette poster

Cousin Bette

Cousin Bette is a poor and lonely seamstress, who, after the death of her prominent and wealthy sister, tries to ingratiate herself into lives of her brother-in-law, Baron Hulot, and her ... See full summary »

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star 5.5/10
Weekend for Three poster

Weekend for Three

A young married couple's weekend is interrupted by the arrival of a brash, loud-mouthed acquaintance of the wife, who knew her before her marriage. He immediately proceeds to turn their ... See full summary »

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Games poster


A mysterious woman (Simone Signoret) in black moves in with married Manhattan thrill-seekers (James Caan, Katharine Ross) and helps one trick the other.

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