O.E. Hasse Movies

List of the best O.E. Hasse movies: State of Siege(1972), The Elusive Corporal(1962), I Confess(1953), The Big Lift(1950), Decision Before Dawn(1951) ... ...

star 7.8/10
State of Siege poster

State of Siege

Using the interrogation of a US counterinsurgency agent as a backdrop, the film explores the consequences of the struggle between Uruguay's government and the leftist Tupamaro guerrillas.

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star 7.1/10
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The Elusive Corporal

An upper-class corporal from Paris is captured by the Germans when they invade France in 1940. Assisted and accompanied by characters as diverse as a morose dairy farmer, a waiter, a myopic... See full summary »

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star 7.3/10
I Confess poster trailer Watch Trailer

I Confess

A priest, who comes under suspicion for murder, cannot clear his name without breaking the seal of the confessional.

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star 6.5/10
The Big Lift poster

The Big Lift

Experiences of two Air Force sergeants during the 1948 Berlin Airlift.

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star 7.2/10
Decision Before Dawn poster trailer Watch Trailer

Decision Before Dawn

As the US Army approaches Nazi Germany, they recruit German prisoners to spy behind German lines.

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