Rex Evans Movies

List of the best Rex Evans movies: Captain Pirate(1953), The Brighton Strangler(1945), Two Mugs From Brooklyn(1942), The Wrong Road(1937), Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman(1943), The Matchmaker(1958), On the Double(1961), Pursuit to Algiers(1945), Zaza(1939), All in a Night's Work(1961), Midnight Lace(1960), Higher and Higher(1943) ... ...

star 6.2/10
Captain Pirate poster

Captain Pirate

In 1690, pardoned pirate Captain Blood's quiet existence is shaken when the Crown re-arrests him on fresh piracy charges but the captain suspects he's being set-up.

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The Brighton Strangler poster

The Brighton Strangler

After suffering a head injury during the Blitz, an actor comes to believe himself to be the Brighton Strangler, the murderer he was playing onstage.

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Two Mugs From Brooklyn poster

Two Mugs From Brooklyn

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The Wrong Road poster

The Wrong Road

Bank teller Jimmy Caldwell and his fiance, Ruth Holden, grow weary of struggling to make ends meet and decide to rob Jimmy's bank. The selfish young couple agree that even if they spend ten... See full summary »

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Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman poster trailer Watch Trailer

Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman

The resurrected Wolf Man, seeking a cure for his malady, enlists the aid of a mad scientist, who claims he will not only rid the Wolf Man of his nocturnal metamorphosis, but also revive the frozen body of Frankenstein's inhuman creation.

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The Matchmaker poster

The Matchmaker

Nightclub owner T.J. Brennon dies in a car accident and two narcotics agents are killed in his apartment, prompting an investigation by the local police aided by Brennon's cop brother.

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On the Double poster

On the Double

At the time of the Invasion of Normandy, an American soldier is asked to impersonate a British General in order to confuse the Nazi spies and assassins in London.

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Pursuit to Algiers poster

Pursuit to Algiers

Holmes is recruited to escort the heir to a European throne safely back to his homeland after his father's assassination.

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Zaza poster


A cabaret performer (Claudette Colbert) has an affair with a married man (Herbert Marshall) in France.

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All in a Night's Work poster

All in a Night's Work

Tony Ryder takes over his dead uncle's media empire while trying to keep quiet the mysterious circumstances of his death in a Palm Beach hotel room.

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Midnight Lace poster

Midnight Lace

In London, a recently wed American woman's sanity comes into question after she claims to be the victim of a threatening stalker.

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Higher and Higher poster

Higher and Higher

A maid (Michele Morgan) and a butler (Jack Haley) join their broke boss' scheme to pose the maid as his daughter in a money marriage.

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Keep Your Powder Dry poster

Keep Your Powder Dry

A debutante (Lana Turner), a serviceman's bride (Susan Peters) and a girl (Laraine Day) from a military family join the Women's Army Corps.

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A Star Is Born poster trailer Watch Trailer

A Star Is Born

A film star helps a young singer and actress find fame, even as age and alcoholism send his own career on a downward spiral.

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