Lucy Faust Movies

List of the best Lucy Faust movies: The True Don Quixote(2019), Warbirds(2008), 68 Kill(2017), Strange Weather(2016), Mudbound(2017), Unhinged(2020) ... ...

The True Don Quixote poster

The True Don Quixote

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Warbirds poster


During World War II, an all-female flying squad and a platoon of male American soldiers land on an island and battle dinosaurs.

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star 6.0/10
68 Kill poster

68 Kill

A punk-rock after hours about femininity, masculinity and the theft of $68,000.

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star 5.9/10
Strange Weather poster

Strange Weather

in an effort to deal with the grief over the death of her son, a Georgia mother travels the back roads of the deep south to settle a score. A story of grief and forgiveness, of looking inward to find a way to move forward.

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star 7.4/10
Mudbound poster trailer Watch Trailer


Two men return home from World War II to work on a farm in rural Mississippi, where they struggle to deal with racism and adjusting to life after war.

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star 6.1/10
Unhinged poster trailer Watch Trailer


After a confrontation with an unstable man at an intersection, a woman becomes the target of his rage.

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