Spiritual Visions Movies, Movies about Spiritual Visions

Here we've displayed a list of the best Spiritual Visions films : Juliet of the Spirits(1965), Three Strangers(1946), Pet Sematary(1989), An American Carol(2008), Nora Roberts' Midnight Bayou(2009), The Song of Bernadette(1943) ... ...

star 7.6/10
Juliet of the Spirits poster

Juliet of the Spirits

Visions, memories, and mysticism all help a 40-something woman to find the strength to leave her cheating husband.

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Three Strangers poster

Three Strangers

Three strangers, each with a serious problem in their lives, share a sweepstakes ticket which they wished upon together before a Chinese idol.

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star 6.6/10
Pet Sematary poster trailer Watch Trailer

Pet Sematary

After tragedy strikes, a grieving father discovers an ancient burial ground behind his home with the power to raise the dead.

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star 4.1/10
An American Carol poster trailer Watch Trailer

An American Carol

An anti-American filmmaker who's out to abolish the July Fourth holiday is visited by three ghosts who try to change his perception of the country.

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Nora Roberts' Midnight Bayou poster

Nora Roberts' Midnight Bayou

Mysterious events plague a man (Jerry O'Connell) after he moves into a new house that -- supposedly -- is haunted.

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The Song of Bernadette poster

The Song of Bernadette

Based on the true story of a 19th-century peasant woman who claimed to see the Virgin Mary near her home in Lourdes.

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