Stationmaster Movies, Movies about Stationmaster

Here we've displayed a list of the best Stationmaster films : Oh, Mr. Porter!(1937), A Month in the Country(1987), The Ghost Train(1941), Dakota Incident(1956), The Railway Children(2000) ... ...

star 7.5/10
Oh, Mr. Porter! poster

Oh, Mr. Porter!

With the help of a relative, a hopeless railway employee is made stationmaster of Buggleskelly. Determined to make his mark, he devises a number of schemes to put Buggleskelly on the railway map, but instead falls foul of a gang of gun runners.

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A Month in the Country poster

A Month in the Country

Five centuries ago, a mural was created in a country church in the north of England, and then hidden under layers of white paint. Looking at it again will be a distraction, the Reverend Mr.... See full summary »

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The Ghost Train poster

The Ghost Train

High jinks and chills ensue when a group of people become stranded at an isolated station and a legendary phantom train approaches.

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Dakota Incident poster

Dakota Incident

Indians attack a stagecoach, and a disparate band of passengers must band together to fight them off.

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The Railway Children poster

The Railway Children

A wealthy London family moves to the countryside after the father (Michael Kitchen) is mysteriously taken away by the police.

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