Glenn Wrage Movies

List of the best Glenn Wrage movies: Control(2004), Razor Blade Smile(1998), Cleanskin(2012), Blue Iguana(2018), The Blonde Bombshell(1998) ... ...

Control poster


Lee Ray Oliver, a death row inmate, is given a second chance at life if he agrees to undergo a new chemical treatment used to modify behavior.

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Razor Blade Smile poster

Razor Blade Smile

A 19th century woman, who has become one of the undead, acts as a hired killer in modern times. When she starts knocking off part of the elite businessmen, "The Illuminati", who secretly ... See full summary »

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Cleanskin poster trailer Watch Trailer


A British secret service agent is faced with the task of pursuing and eliminating a British-born suicide bomber and his terrorist cell.

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Blue Iguana poster

Blue Iguana

Ex-jailbirds Eddie and Paul are on parole and working in a New York diner. Their lives are a dead end. That is, until English lawyer Katherine Rookwood walks into the diner with an offer they can't refuse.

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The Blonde Bombshell poster

The Blonde Bombshell

Dowd, who's IRA, escapes an Irish prison in a bloody jailbreak, making his way to New York City where he lives alone, avoids Irish hangouts, and works as a dishwasher. When a good deed gets... See full summary »

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