Constance Marie Movies

List of the best Constance Marie movies: Winter in Vail(2020), Sweet Surrender(2013), Tortilla Soup(2001), My Family/Mi Familia(1995), Dancing in September(2000) ... ...

star 7.4/10
Winter in Vail poster

Winter in Vail

Martin Goldsmith never knew what happened to his parents before they escaped from Germany in 1941. Over a weekend, he confronts his father and we are brought back to the complex and confusing 1930s when the parents were young musicians.

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Sweet Surrender poster

Sweet Surrender

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star 6.7/10
Tortilla Soup poster trailer Watch Trailer

Tortilla Soup

A Mexican-American master chef and father to three daughters has lost his taste for food, but not for life.

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star 7.3/10
My Family/Mi Familia poster trailer Watch Trailer

My Family/Mi Familia

A man makes his way from Mexico to L.A. in the 1920s, gets married and raises a big family there. The movie follows the children until they, too, get married and have children in the 1960s.

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star 6.2/10
Dancing in September poster

Dancing in September

A black female TV producer struggles in Hollywood.

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