Lumberjack Movies, Movies about Lumberjack

Here we've displayed a list of the best Lumberjack films : Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl(1982), Riders of the Whistling Pines(1949), The Blue Bird(1940), Mademoiselle(1966), God's Country and the Woman(1936), The Big Trees(1952), The Drifter(1932) ... ...

star 7.9/10
Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl poster

Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl

The Monty Python troupe perform a combination of classic sketches and new material at the Hollywood Bowl.

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Riders of the Whistling Pines poster

Riders of the Whistling Pines

When asked about the Ghost Riders song he sings, Gene Autry (Gene Autry) tells this legend: Gene is about to resign as an investigator for the county attorney and go into the cattle ... See full summary »

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star 6.4/10
The Blue Bird poster

The Blue Bird

Mytyl and her brother Tyltyl, a woodchopper's children, are led by the Fairy Berylune on a magical trip through the past, present, and future to locate the Blue Bird of Happiness.

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Mademoiselle poster


Villagers blame an outsider (Ettore Manni) for poisonings, fires and floodings committed by a disturbed schoolteacher (Jeanne Moreau).

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God's Country and the Woman poster

God's Country and the Woman

A lumber-camp owner (Beverly Roberts) falls in love with her business rival's brother (George Brent).

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The Big Trees poster

The Big Trees

A lumber tycoon (Kirk Douglas) wants the California redwoods, but a religious homesteader (Eve Miller) changes his mind.

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The Drifter poster

The Drifter

A woodsman finds himself involved in the love affair between his brother and the daughter of the lumber boss.

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